Monday, August 1, 2005

Frist Moving in Reverse

Tennessee U.S. Senator Bill Frist took another step away from winning the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

First, Frist announced he would not seek reelection in 2006; thereby creating a one-plus year void in public service during the nominating process. Those of us who have toiled through a presidential campaign understand full well the power of incumbency.

Congressman Jack Kemp (NY) was my guy from 1986-1988, but no amount of sweat equity could overcome Vice President George Bush’s rolodex of political IOUs.

Second, his play for majority leader, replacing Mississippi Senator Trent Lott, left some bruised egos among Lott’s former House colleagues. Those House members can be helpful come their states’ primary/caucus dates.

Third, his labeling of the nuclear option was a poor play on words regarding potential changes to the filibuster/cloture rules.

Fourth, Frist then gave-up the reins rather than ride the 7 Republican Senators who joined with 7 Democrats who then offered their own vision of the U.S. Supreme Court.

And now Frist has flip-flopped on embryonic stem cell research.

As a doctor, perhaps he knows something the rest of us don’t. But as a politician, seeking the Republican nomination for the Oval Office, at best, he just became someone’s choice for running mate.


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