Tuesday, January 17, 2006

For Doyle, Reelect Begins Tonight

Assuming you're not a lobbyist, in that case, you'll be on billable hours, stalking legislators entering the Assembly chambers; And assuming you're not staff, in that case, you'll be pouring pitchers at the Silver Dollar, mocking your bosses from a barstool; the remaining 2.7% of Wisconsinites who care will be kicking-back in Lazyboys watching the Governor's State of the State address this evening.

Look for Governor Doyle to give his best impersonation of Tommy Thompson tonight, without droppin' his "g"s . Tommy wrote the textbook on delivering a televised statewide address, and as an iconic figure, why mess with the recipe.

Doyle will veil his speech in words like, cooperation and bipartisanship. Only acting governor Scott McCallum would ever use the State Address to whack local town board members as big spenders.

The governor will be greeted at some point with groans from the Republican majority, probably as he begins a 16 minute subchapter on public schools being Great Schools. Look for WEAC's Stan Johnson to take a bow from the gallery.

Janesville will be another subchapter within the address. If Team Doyle could find a way to hoist the all new Chevy Tahoe into the gallery, Assembly Sergeant of Arms Rick Skinrud would be found Wednesday morning reclined, sleeping on the passenger side.

Sports teams must be recognized in a State Address, and since Mike Sherman will be introduced at Louisiana Governor Blanco's state Address, Doyle raises the roof by intro'ing new Brewer coach Robin Yount, during the subchapter of returning Winning to Wisconsin.

Another subchapter will be dedicated to UW Research and stem cells, yet another to something important to the Northwoods, and after that it's all white noise.

As temporary governor McCallum proved, only the gaffes are remembered, along with Hall of Famers sitting in the gallery.

It's all about image, and for Team Doyle, tip-off is tonight.


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