Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fond du Lac, Guns, and Scott McCallum

After Governor Doyle’s State of the State address (post), I was scratching my head as to why he would suddenly skip-off to Iraq.

The boilerplate tactical operation following a State of the State is to jump on planes, trains, and automobiles to canvass the state. The name of the game is to maximize exposure. Hit the newspapers. Stand-by in the Green Rooms. You’re the Governor, take advantage of it. Keep making news by visiting some sleepy hollow that according to the local octogenarian, a governor has never visited.

But then I was reminded by the boys over at Boots and Sabers (Here) and (Here) of what the legislative calendar had waiting for Team Doyle – a veto of conceal/carry and the subsequent override vote.

I see the strategery; go to the war zone, wrap yourself in the flag and appeal to the same folks back home who support conceal/carry. Split the baby in half.

Every campaign, every campaign, has a defining moment. For Governor Doyle, being the first governor to suffer a veto override in 20+ years may prove to be that moment.

And a bit of sweet irony serves as subtext to Doyle’s reelection efforts.

The state Rep. from Fond du Lac, John Townsend, the same hometown of temporary Governor Scott McCallum -- the 2002 vanquished opponent of Jim Doyle -- Fond du Lac’s legislator appears to be the swing vote to push Jim Doyle closer to the fate of the last Democrat Governor, Tony Earl.

Representative Townsend, Scott McCallum on line #1, NRA on line #2, RPW on #3, Mark Green on Line #4 and Scott Walker on #5. Jim Kreuser is standing in reception.


At 4:54 PM , Blogger nosefornews said...

Gov. Doyle did hold various events around the state though you wouldn't know it from reading the state's largest newspaper (Motto: Everything We Feel You Need To Know).

And, of course, we now know that his veto was sustained (Thank You Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Allah, Buddah, Vishnu and whatever deity you choose).

The election season is just getting started so don't go getting your panties in a knot. The State of the State message outlined an agenda that is worth supporting and I'll take it against the anti-agenda of the state GOP. I mean guns and gays may get these guys elected but it ain't leadership.


At 11:40 AM , Blogger Slide said...

You can't lead, if you can't get elected. You and Doyle and Tony Earl can sit around next year at this time and trade ideas on all those great policy initiatives -- maybe you can invite Scott McCallum to generate some great bi-partisan ideas.

At 9:24 PM , Blogger Slide said...

Hike-up your dress - and it won't bite you, unless you don't trust yourself.


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