Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Hillary's 2006 Opponent

John Spencer, former Mayor of Younkers, is one of the Republicans who plans to ki-bosh Hillary's run to the White House next year.

The other GOP primary opponents may include former President Richard Nixon's son-in-law, Ed Cox, and Westchester County D.A. Jeannine Pirro.

I am a bit biased, but bet on Spencer.

As an ex-staffer to Rep. Jack Kemp and U.S. Senator Alphonse D'Amato, New York feels like an adopted home. Not Manhattan mind you, or even the neighboring boroughs, but Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, the Adirondacks and to some extent, Long Island, reminds me of different regions of Wisconsin.

Spencer has wisely tapped into the D'Amato election machine. Alphonse was/is New York's version of Bob Kasten; U.S. Senators with a sophisticated sense of campaigns and elections.

It was Alphonse who plucked George Pataki from legislative obscurity to challenge incumbent Democrat Governor, and once Party savior, Mario Cuomo.

Somewhere in America, Mario and his partner Party savior, deposed Tejas Governor Ann Richards, are lobbying for the capitalist corporate suits they once derided. Their opponents can be found finishing his 3rd term in Albany, and serving his second term at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

But I digress.

Ed Cox has tapped Henry Kissinger to consult his campaign. That fact alone will push the NY Jewish community to other candidates.

My real point is, if you have donated or subscribed to any conservative publication or cause since the last U.S. Senate campaign reached beyond their state's borders -- Ollie North in VA -- count on hearing from these NY candidates.

Direct mail, telemarketing and targeted out-state events will drive a national effort to keep Hillary from reelection and deep-six her White House ambitions.

Already, every NY Republican can recite the following talking points;

She parachuted into New York solely for the reason of running for the Senate, and now she's running for the presidency. She is more concerned about the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire than the priorities of people in New York.
If we don't stop her in 2006, she will be waving goodbye to George W. and Laura as Marine One lifts-off from the South Lawn for Midland, TX in 2009.


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